The RivCo Tour is a championship tour for the X-Wing Miniatures game. The RivCo tour used to only encompass Riverside County but as our player base expanded we have also expanded our area to include all of Southern California. The RivCo Tour will keep its name in homage to its origins and we look forward to expanding the tour further into all the surrounding counties in Southern California.
This tour offers players a more challenging game then the standard tournaments offered by most locations. The standard tournament has a set number of obstacles on the game mat that affords the players maneuverability and if you make an error you usually have enough room to correct it. In the RivCo tour we take that space away. In some tournaments we replace them with extremely large obstacles, double the amount of obstacles, add harsh punishments for errors or all of the above. We want players to feel challenged while battling in the arena and to develop new strategies to surprise their opponents. The players that meet the challenge are also rewarded for their efforts with our championship prize support.