Are you a store owner or a tournament organizer and want to be added to the next tour? Contact us and ask how!
The Debris Fields of the Jakku System
Obstacles: 2 Oversized Debris Clouds, 6 Debris Clouds
Setup: In Player order, players take turns choosing an obstacles and placing it into the play area until all obstacles have been placed. Oversized debris clouds must be placed before any other obstacles.
-Obstacles must be placed beyond range 2 of the player edges and beyond range 1 of the neutral edges and each other obstacle.
Special Rule: Oversized debris clouds are debris clouds. The effects of a oversized debris cloud cannot be ignored. When resolving an effect that would remove a oversized debris cloud from play the obstacle remains in play instead.
Hook Nebula Ion Storms
Obsacles: 4 Ion Clouds
Setup: In Player order, players take turns choosing an obstacles and placing it into the play area until all obstacles have been placed.
-Obstacles must be placed beyond range 2 of the player edges and beyond range 1 of the neutral edges and each other obstacle.
Special Rule: Ion Clouds are obstacles. A ship may not attack another ship beyond range 2 through an Ion Cloud. When a ship moves through or overlaps an Ion Cloud, roll 2 attack dice; that ship gains 1 ion token for each [hit] result. The effects of a ion cloud cannot be ignored. When resolving an effect that would remove a ion cloud from play the obstacle remains in play instead.
Join Them on Thursday Nights for X-Wing
June 20th
Comic Quest:
Geonosis Asteroid Ring
Obstacle: 12 Obstacles
Setup: In Player order, players take turns choosing an obstacles and placing it into the play area until all obstacles have been placed.
-Obstacles must be placed beyond range 2 of another the player edges and beyond range 1 of the neutral edges and each other obstacle.
Special Rule: All obstacles placed during Setup are treated as asteroids for all game and player effect.
August 15th
TMK Clubhouse:
Nal Hutta Starfighter Competition
Obstacles: 6 Obstacles
Remotes: 4 Type-A Orbital Mines
Setup: In Player order, players take turns choosing a remote or an obstacle and place it into the play area until all remotes and obstacles have been placed.
-remotes and obstacles must be placed beyond range 1 of each other remote or obstacle and each edge of the pay area.
Special Rule: All Type-A Orbital Mines treat all ships as enemy ships.
Alderaan Graveyard
Obstacles: 2 Planetary Fragments (Provided by the hosting store), Any 6 Obtacles
Setup: In Player order, players take turns choosing an obstacles and placing it into the play area until all obstacles have been placed. Planetary fragments must be placed before any other obstacles.
-Obstacles must be placed beyond range 2 of the player edges and beyond range 1 of the neutral edges and each other obstacle.
Special Rule: Planetary fragments are asteroids. When resolving an effect that would remove a planetary fragment from play, the planetary fragment remains in play instead. The effects of a planetary fragment cannot be ignored.